donderdag 10 maart 2011

Microvolts Little review

hello guys,

im going to tell something about microvolts (a little review with my opinion)
microvolts a third person shooter based on toys i think.
published by rockhippo
its definitly a game to try out
i like the graphics style cartoonish or so i think
it just got into open beta so to i shouldn't mention the lag of stuff in shop but there's gonna be more i hope xD
gameplay is awsome
you don't have 1 or 2 gunz no they just thought "common guys lets make it some more special we put in 7 gunz"
yes 7 gunz you have them in game and change anytime not classed based or somethin no just 7 gunz to use with your character wich you can put on diffrent hairstyles or clothes or something just to make it like you want
you begin with 2 characters there are now 4 in total but the other 2 you have to buy with mp wich is the currency wich you can get bij playin matches
so yeah this is it i think sure there is more to talk about but this is a little review
if you have any time to download it it should be a waste of time if you dont download it

make sure to checkout this video:

woensdag 9 maart 2011

the blog is up

Hello gamerzzzz

i just got the blog online
so i am going to put my gaming xp here just check it out
i will make some reviews to on some games
